(ETA Program)

3rd ETA Program (Feb-Okt 2017)

Nicole Young
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania


 I have a background in the education and mentorship of students from many different backgrounds. Some of my experience involved tutoring within the West Virginia University Athletics department. I also served as a mentor to my peers within the Sport & Exercise Psychology program.  My background will allow me to connect with and help my students, both individually and collectively, to increase their confidence in speaking English.       //Saya mempunyai latar belakang pendidikan dan bimbingan pelajar dari pelbagai latar belakang. Sebahagian daripada pengalaman saya melibatkan tutor di jabatan Athletics Universiti Virginia Barat. Saya juga berkhidmat sebagai mentor kepada rakan-rakan saya dalam program Psikologi Sukan & Latihan. Latar belakang saya akan membolehkan saya berhubung dan membantu pelajar saya, secara individu dan kolektif, untuk meningkatkan keyakinan mereka dalam berbahasa Inggeris.

I have two brothers, David and Benjamin, three sisters, Rashida, Charity, and Chante.  My brothers are both very active in sports - Dave was a professional basketball player both in the United States and abroad, and Ben is currently playing American football for his University in Pennsylvania.  My sister Rashida manages a business, Charity runs her own style consultant and skin care line businesses for celebrities and Chante is a nurse.  I am the youngest girl and the 5th out of all of my siblings.  I have 6 nephews and 5 nieces and a lot of aunts, uncles, and cousins. // Saya mempunyai dua bersaudara, David dan Benjamin, tiga saudara perempuan, Rashida, Charity, dan Chante. Saudara-saudara saya sama-sama aktif dalam sukan - Dave adalah pemain bola keranjang profesional di Amerika Syarikat dan di luar negara, dan Ben kini bermain bola sepak Amerika untuk Universiti di Pennsylvania. Kakak saya Rashida menguruskan perniagaan, Charity menjalankan perniagaan perunding gaya dan perniagaan penjagaan kulitnya sendiri untuk selebriti dan Chante adalah seorang jururawat. Saya adalah gadis termuda dan kelima daripada semua adik-beradik saya. Saya mempunyai 6 keponakan dan 5 keponakan dan banyak ibu saudara, paman, dan sepupu.
My parents names, David and Diane. My dad is the founding CEO and head pastor of our church and my mother is also a pastor and the head of many departments within the church, they both reside in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.     //
Nama ibu bapa saya, David dan Diane. Ayah saya adalah Ketua Pegawai Eksekutif dan pastor kepala gereja kami dan ibu saya juga pastor dan ketua jabatan di dalam gereja, mereka berdua tinggal di Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.

In May 2016, I graduated summa cum laude from West Virginia University, in Morgantown, West Virginia.  While there I studied Psychology with an emphasis on sport & exercise and conducted research in Social Psychology looking at the role of media on the formation of stereotypes of marginalized groups. //Pada bulan Mei 2016, saya lulus summa cum laude dari West Virginia University, di Morgantown, West Virginia. Sementara itu, saya belajar Psikologi dengan penekanan pada sukan & latihan dan menjalankan penyelidikan dalam Psikologi Sosial melihat peranan media mengenai pembentukan stereotaip kumpulan terpinggir.

I also had two minors in African American Studies and History.            //
Saya juga membuat  Kajian Amerika Afrika dan Sejarah.

My philosophy of life is to keep God first and to live freely.  I do not want to let fear or doubt ever keep me from obtaining my biggest and wildest dreams.  I know that keeping God first will always allow me to live in my purpose.           //
Falsafah hidup saya adalah untuk menjaga Tuhan terlebih dahulu dan hidup dengan bebas. Saya tidak mahu membiarkan rasa takut atau keraguan yang menghalang saya daripada mendapatkan impian saya yang terbesar dan paling liar. Saya tahu bahawa menjaga Tuhan terlebih dahulu akan sentiasa membenarkan saya untuk hidup dalam tujuan saya.

I am committed to curating a safe space among all of my students this year to make them feel confident in speaking English and motivate them to continue to develop their English language skills.  I want to show give them the importance of learning English in order to succeed in careers and continue their education by giving them deeper context of the world in which we live.  Overall, I hope to have a positive impact on each and every student at SMKPP this year.    //
Saya komited untuk mengendalikan peluang di kalangan semua pelajar saya tahun ini untuk membuat mereka berasa yakin dalam bercakap bahasa Inggeris dan mendorong mereka untuk terus mengembangkan kemahiran bahasa Inggeris mereka. Saya ingin menunjukkan kepada mereka pentingnya pembelajaran bahasa Inggeris untuk berjaya dalam kerjaya dan meneruskan pelajaran mereka dengan memberikan konteks yang lebih mendalam tentang dunia di mana kita hidup. Keseluruhannya, saya berharap dapat memberi kesan positif kepada setiap pelajar SMKPP tahun ini.

2nd ETA Program ( Feb - Oktober 2016)

2nd ETA Program
Eric Aaron Steinbrook , 22
Boston, Massachusetts

I’m deeply committed to education, especially in schools that bring students from diverse environments together in the same classrooms. While in University, I worked with the Biology Department as a teaching assistant, where I helped struggling students succeed in the sciences. In addition, I performed education research with the English Department, comparing pedagogical techniques employed by American teachers. I’m drawn to work in language education because literacy skills are vital. As a healthcare advocate for the non-profit Partners In Health in 2013 and a public health research assistant at the UCLA Medical Center In Los Angeles, California in 2014, I learned that good healthcare cannot be provided without good communication.  With my prior teaching experience and academic background, I aim to enrich the lively English language courses at SMK Parit Panjang.

Keluarga (Family....)
I have an older brother named Daniel. He’s 26 years old, loves to fish and play go, and lives in Boston. My parents are named Robert and Christine. They are both Doctors and reside in Boston. 

Pendidikan (Education....)
I graduated from Amherst College in the Spring of 2015, with cum laude honors and a degree in Biology and a concentration in Disease Ecology. While at Amherst, I also spent a considerable amount of time studying English literature. 

First ETA Program ( Feb - Oktober 2015)

Miss Charlotte Morris

Nama (Name) Charlotte Morris
Umur (Age): 22
Berasal( Hometown): Washington, D.C.
Email (email) : Charlotte.R.Morris@gmail.com

Pengalaman Bertugas( Work Experiences):
I have demonstrated a strong commitment to educating students from diverse backgrounds in the United States and abroad. In 2008, I founded a non-profit organization in Washington, D.C. to increase literacy among homeless youth, from 2010 to 2012 I served as a Psychology tutor for Dartmouth students, from 2012 to 2013 I managed the day-to-day operations of a college preparation program for underserved youth, and from 2012 to 2014 I designed lesson plans and taught Chinese students English via Skype. My academic background and prior teaching experience will help to enrich the learning experience of English language students in Malaysia and appreciate all that these students can teach me.

Keluarga (Family....): I have one sister, who is twenty-eight years old, and is a political consultant. Both of my parents are lawyers and reside in Washington, D.C. 

Pendidikan (Education....)
In June 2014, I graduated magna cum laude and with high honors from Dartmouth College in Hanover, New Hampshire. While at Dartmouth, I pursued a psychology and religion double major with a concentration in Eastern religions.

Falsafah Hidup (philosophy of life....)
“You have brains in your head. You have feet in your shoes. You can steer yourself any direction you choose. You're on your own. And you know what you know. And YOU are the one who'll decide where to go...” 
― Dr. Seuss, Oh, The Places You'll Go!

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